
EDIE 3100: Child Development and Teaching

PSYC 2131: Introduction to Childhood and Adolescence

PSYC 3991: Psychology of Human Resilience

PSYC 3451: Adolescent Development

PHED 3840: Physical Growth and Motor Development



I knew I wanted to be a teacher while I was in high school, so when I got into university at TRU I was very focused on what classes I needed to get into the education program and which courses would be most beneficial for my learning and my future career in education. In my undergrad I had a minor in Psychology, and I tried to focus all my classes on developmental psychology. I have developmental psychology course from infancy to adulthood and aging. Most of my psychology courses are childhood and adolescence focused because I felt that those would give me the most information and knowledge about the students I am going to teach in the future. Another course I took that will benefit me as a teacher was a physical growth and motor development physical education course. In this course we learned about the growth of kids and where they should be at a certain age. We also looked at what specific movements and skills look like and how they evolve over childhood. This course will be really helpful to me if I have to teach PE at some point. As I moved into my education program there were a few classes that stand out to me in terms of added to my knowledge and helping me be a better teacher. The one course that stands out the most was our Child development and teaching course. It was like another psychology course, but it was most focused on education and how we can use psychology to help us be better teachers and have better classrooms.