Hi Lexa,

I think the question you were left with is a great question, and it definitely makes you sit back and think about the impact that technology has already made. When I think of how fast technology is increasing, it makes me nervous for the next generation of children that will be brought up in this world. I look at my childhood, compared to the childhood of the children I know now, and it shocks and saddens me that they don’t have the same experiences because technology is such a big part of their lives already.

I agree with you about critical thinking, and how technology can be a great way to teach critical thinking. I think of media and digital literacy as a great way to help children work on critical thinking skills, as well as social responsibility.

I also agree with the concern for interpersonal skills. Technology has already impacted interpersonal skills, and it can be seen as a concern for how they will continue to be affected. Children are not exposed to as much social interactions without technology, as I was when I was a child. They are so consumed with their devices and they communicate with people through the internet which takes away the social piece as they may not take into consideration how their words are affecting others as they can’t see their reactions.