Hi Nikki,

I really liked the point you made about the books most likely being separated and housed in the grade level classroom in which they are for if the library was to turn into a technology hub. I also thought that this could cause some self-esteem or confidence issue for those children who are not of the reading level of their grade. I think that if a child’s self confidence and self-esteem with reading is affected at a young age, they may have hard time continuing to read or learning to like reading. I think that is why libraries are such a great place to house all the books, at all the different levels, because it doesn’t matter what reading level a child is at, they will always be able to find a book that works for them in the library. I think we need to be encouraging reading from a young age, and I’m not sure how well that can be done if we remove the books from the library and put in more technology.